Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why the hate on Left 4 Dead 2?

Coming off the buzz of 2009's E3 the gaming community has been left jaded. Among the kaleidoscope of epic announcements, Valve has teased the first clips of Left 4 Dead 2, little less then one year after the original hit the shelves. The announcement has upset most gamers claiming Valve has turned it's back on promises that were made to support Left 4 Dead. While most enjoy jumping on the hate-wagon for any perceived injustice, I would like to present my own perspective.

Valve has provided time and again free content updates, not to mention bundling one of the best game values ever, The Orange Box. Team Fortress 2 receives constant new toys and is rebalanced. Why not direct the hate in the right direction? Shouldn't all of Fallout 3's content be free? What about Resident Evil 5 charging for a poorly made "Versus Mode?" To take this to an extreme, I don't want to pay for Modern Warfare 2 it's just new missions and weapons. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Activision can vomit up a new Guitar Hero every year, slap a big name on it and wait expectantly with his hand out for fifty bucks? Valve has given out so many treats that some feel that we're entitled, I'm just grateful there will be a continuation to the zombie carnage.

With the huge amount of modifications done to the game: Melee Weapons, Weather system, the ability for the "Director" to change certain areas, new special infected and of course 5 new movies. Five! That's five, one more then the original! Do we honestly think that Valve should give us more game then was in the game?

I'll freely admit I'm tight with my money and don't have much income for entertainment but with Valve treating the community at large with the respect they've shown in the past, I'll be ready and waiting, cash in hand on day 1.

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